
11 Stories

“Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.” ~ Hannah Arendt

Here, something to help you when you find yourself rummaging through your vault of meditations, when a hush falls in your group, when you want to impress the pretty eyes, and you stumble across “tell us a story” and your voice – may it be thick, heavy, chirpy, squeaky, shy, confident – wants to fill that weird attention slot with something pretty and memorable and meaningful.

His Blood

Pay What You Want for Food, Advice, Divination

History of Prophecy (in 399 words)

Blessed Beyond Comprehension

The Unconventional Saudi

The Reincarnate Muslim

The Dragons

The Gossiping Angels

The Elders’ Prayer

The Social Dead

Her Blood

One Hundred Books in A Year: 17 Lessons Learned

Pexel 1.      Readers will read. Regardless to format or income or legality.   2.      Something to remember: The Prophet was illit...